
Digital transformation, higher education, innovation, technology, professional skills, management, and strategy

Opportunities for younger and high-skilled workers could increase rather than vanish, thanks to AI—but the same can’t be said for wages.

The article examines concerns around AI’s impact on jobs and wages based on research from European Central Bank. It states that while alarms of mass technological unemployment are overblown, the threat of depressed wages due to automation replacing routine tasks is real. Unexpectedly, groups most at risk are white-collar professionals like lawyers, engineers rather than lower-skilled workers.

A contrarian insight from the research is that AI can also provide productivity and efficiency gains that may compensate for lost incomes. Additionally, new specialized jobs may arise from integrating AI systems. Rather than just mitigating risks, policymakers should proactively invest in new skills, digital infrastructure and stimulating entrepreneurship to maximize opportunities. The research concludes that AI’s economic impact depends greatly on deployment strategies and responses. With the right transition policies, AI can counterintuitively both displace jobs and raise overall wages. But lack of foresight risks worsening inequality. The future remains uncertain.


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Digital transformation, including agile and devops, across many industries, most recently in higher education. Designed and built the Emory faculty information system. Working in continuing education to improve and expand career-focused learning, esp. in workforce development. Expanding the role of innovation and entrepreneurship. Designed, built, and launched the Emory Center for Innovation.

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