
Digital transformation, higher education, innovation, technology, professional skills, management, and strategy

Google Criticized for Privacy Issues

Ian ‘Hixie’ Hickson, a prominent figure in the Flutter community, has left Google. Despite not being as public as other contributors, Hixie wrote a blog post upon his departure, offering insights into Google’s actions and the criticism it faces. He defends Google’s intentions, such as with Google Books, and argues that some privacy advocates harm users by opposing beneficial Google proposals. He also laments the prevalence of unnecessary cookie warnings resulting from public cynicism towards well-intentioned projects. This resonates with the author’s recent experience with the Web Environment Integrity (WEI) API, which aims to streamline attestation processes but faces skepticism.


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Digital transformation, including agile and devops, across many industries, most recently in higher education. Designed and built the Emory faculty information system. Working in continuing education to improve and expand career-focused learning, esp. in workforce development. Expanding the role of innovation and entrepreneurship. Designed, built, and launched the Emory Center for Innovation.

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