
Digital transformation, higher education, innovation, technology, professional skills, management, and strategy

Rails + SugarCRM – An alternative approach

After slogging through connecting Rails and Sugar via SOAP, I was tired and frustrated. The API is slow, and doing anything meaningful took a long time (ok, it took 30 seconds, but that seems slow to me; aren’t computers supposed to be fast?!). So, I came up with an alternative approach.

I know that Active Record (or whatever it’s called) in Rails is really just a fancy wrapper for the database. So, I created a second database connection, directly to the Sugar database!

You just have to setup new models and controllers in Rails. But, that’s not too hard. See this solution (http://pragdave.pragprog.com/pragdave/2006/01/sharing_externa.html). Use option 3. It worked well. Once you get the mapping figured out, you can even use the join tables, relationships, etc. It all works transparently.

I use this to synchronize various objects and fields.

Of course, you have to have access to the database. And, of course, I know I’m majorly in danger of screwing something up. And you have to figure out the inner workings of the Sugar database. And, of course, this might not work on the next version, etc., etc.

But, heck it is fast! And very easy to use!

If you want to know more, just let me know.

3 responses to “Rails + SugarCRM – An alternative approach”

  1. Have you had continuing success with this second method? I’m thinking of doing something similar, and I’m wondering how much complexity is involved in adding records to the Sugar DB from Rails — is there much in the way of required associative records that have to be generated (and filled)?

  2. Hi, I would like to know more regarding rails and the open source sugarcrm please. Just send an email to me and we can talk off line. Thanks!

  3. Howdy!

    Just thought I would let you know that I wrote a gem for interacting with SugarCRM via REST. I wrote a blog article about it here: http://developers.sugarcrm.com/wordpress/2010/11/16/web-services-in-your-own-language-part-2-ruby/

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Digital transformation, including agile and devops, across many industries, most recently in higher education. Designed and built the Emory faculty information system. Working in continuing education to improve and expand career-focused learning, esp. in workforce development. Expanding the role of innovation and entrepreneurship. Designed, built, and launched the Emory Center for Innovation.

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