
Digital transformation, higher education, innovation, technology, professional skills, management, and strategy

Nested resources in Ruby on Rails: why bother?

Nested resources in Ruby on Rails are sort of neat, but they are a pain to implement. What’s more, I have to ask myself, why bother?

If a resource has a unique identifier id, then why would you need to call its parent resource to call it? The unique identifier is enough. And what resource doesn’t have a unique id these days?

One response to “Nested resources in Ruby on Rails: why bother?”

  1. Anko Painting Avatar
    Anko Painting

    umm, you might want one form (say user details) which multiple addresses, and want that all the be handled by the same form. ie have an add address link and a remove address link.

    or allow adding teams to a user inline. I’ve used nested resources heaps.

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Digital transformation, including agile and devops, across many industries, most recently in higher education. Designed and built the Emory faculty information system. Working in continuing education to improve and expand career-focused learning, esp. in workforce development. Expanding the role of innovation and entrepreneurship. Designed, built, and launched the Emory Center for Innovation.

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