
Digital transformation, higher education, innovation, technology, professional skills, management, and strategy

November 2022

  • www.linkedin.com/posts/mionescu_swot-long-story-short-the-deadly-trap-of-activity-7003326744019525634-mwW5 Continue reading

  • Toot

    It seems like #Twitter pro-democracy users are not just fleeing but being driven away, in order to de-platform and fragment this group. Is there a way #mastodon could ever become the same sort of “central” meeting/finding/discussing place? On the surface, this seems difficult because of certain Mastodon design/features, most important the lack of algorithmic discovery.… Continue reading

  • Tweet

    Twitter is a central meeting place. Recent changes seem to be aimed at denying a platform/place to pro-democracy thinkers, through bans, harassment, or disgust. What else is there to connect? #Mastodon? Older techs? #Blogs? #RSS? Email #listserv??? https://www.adamsdesk.com/posts/experimenting-jekyll-relatable-posts/ Link Continue reading

  • Twitter is a central meeting place. R…

    Twitter is a central meeting place. Recent changes seem to be aimed at denying a platform/place to pro-democracy thinkers, through bans, harassment, or disgust. What else is there to connect? #Mastodon? Older techs? #Blogs? #RSS? Email #listserv??? Continue reading

  • What’s the point of a degree?

    A degree is worth it regardless of leading to direct employment. Helps your life and career in medium and long run. For career, esp short term, prob not. With a couple years experience, you can already get hired somewhere. To me, a degree forms a broad, deep foundation for living and growing. That’s a big… Continue reading

  • The Twitter changes are meant to deny Twitter to pro-democracy thinkers

    The point was never to embolden fascists, it was to deplatform and fragment pro-democracy groups by denying Twitter as a central meeting-place. Oddly, we must keep using Twitter for now to stay connected. Meanwhile we need to be saving names for regrouping later on a new place. Continue reading

  • ActivityPub spec

    I’ve been reading this today to learn how one writes specs … https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/  Continue reading

  • The Ur-post

    One thing I’ve been wondering about (in all my musings on #microblogging) is the relationships among sources and references. Earlier, I speculated that all blogging is only reference, because an #rss feed is just a sign to a #blog post. Interestingly, it’s a robust sign. Some feeds are so robust that they are copies of… Continue reading

  • The Semiotics of Networked Content

    Working on content interop super-ontology in the #mastodon, #micro.blog, #twitter, #feedland, and #wordpress multiverse. Posts are actual pieces of content. They are mostly made on the platform where you find them. Timelines are views into (yours and others’) posts. These views are made possible by transmitting information about the post via #RSS (or something else)… Continue reading

About Me

Digital transformation, including agile and devops, across many industries, most recently in higher education. Designed and built the Emory faculty information system. Working in continuing education to improve and expand career-focused learning, esp. in workforce development. Expanding the role of innovation and entrepreneurship. Designed, built, and launched the Emory Center for Innovation.

Favorite sites

  • Daring Fireball

Favorite podcasts

  • Manager Tools

